​What Is PBLT©?​

It's a way of life available to
everyone... from elementary school to the workplace. It WORKS!
Change your life!! Change the way you think! Improve your
success options. Solve your own problems. Sound to good to be true? Got Anger? Get
PBLT©! feeling
despair? Get PBLT©! It works like a double-edged sword for those with unsafe, risky,
nonproductive behaviors... only if you are at the place where you are sick and
tired of failure & losing... then you are coachable. Applying principles in
your life choices can prevent you from failing and losing at life! For those
who desire to have more positive experiences leading to more success... get on
Now is the time to change and transform the way things are
going with you. Make real substantive changes in your life choices. Watch
progress begin... One Day a time... come,
learn new information. You too can make choices under-girded by faith and
 The author of "PBLT©"
guarantees you more success and peace of mind, increased commitment and passion
to achieve your life goals once you aquire the necessary PBLT© tools.
 Spend the time to learn to apply the lessons... gaining the
working tools you need to win on the "PBLT Playing Field of Life©" The old proverb reminds us that...plans can fail for the lack
of counsel...but,where
there are sufficient advisers, plans succeed! Develop the
path to self-confidence and positive character values, make better decisions,
prosper, become the best that you can be...become personally responsible, even
a leader by first becoming a principled individual! 


Principle-Based LifestyleTraining©

Center for HOP​& Restoration

"Center for Human & Organizational Performance Enhancement & Restoration"