Gloria J. Morris
Doctorate Christian Counseling,Masters Organizational Behavior,B.A.
Political Science & Public Affairs, Psycho-Social Rehab
Practitioner (CASRA)/County of Merced Mental Health Services. Author of
PBLT© "Success Curriculum", Managing Director, Center for HOPe & Restoration &
Harvest Park Educational Center (aka HPEC©).
Gloria Jackson-Morris has extensive experience
in Management and Organizational Development (MOD). She is a former adjunct
professor at National University, Fresno Pacific University, and, CSU Fresno
Extended Education Department. She is the author of "The Next
Step...Principle-Based Lifestyle Training©."
Professional History
Morris is a results oriented professional psychologist
with proven Human Resource (HR), Organizational Development (OD) skills and
psycho-social rehab/recovery techniques. Morris possesses a strong business
development background, including negotiations. Demonstrated skill set and
experience in organizational needs assessment, strategic planning, development
of implementation procedures into services and programs centered on problem
solving of both human and organizational issues. Deploys SWOT intervention
strategy and PBLT© techniques
to determine organizational issues and prospective solutions during
the assessment process. Preservation and development of human capital
(employees) is the primary outcome sought.
Provides knowledge-based solutions, tools and
training to improve performance and facilitates personal leadership training
for managers, employees and community leaders charged with strategic
accountability. Responsible for advising employers and employees on
organizational change related issues, promotes change and innovation to
strengthen governance in non-profit organizations. HR administration theory and
training available to employees and executive managers. Conducts research and
studies to help with assessing planned new developments, whether physical or
programmatic in nature, that impact workplace measurable outcomes.
Morris is a practitioner of behavioral and
cognitive-based sciences, active learning, and applied-knowledge, using
these concepts for teaching and training in a diversity of industries and
environments. Worked with professionals seeking simpler methods and approaches
to creating substantive solutions for resolving complex business and work place
issues. Morris is a former adjunct professor at both Fresno Pacific University
and CSU Fresno's Extended Education Department. At Fresno Pacific
University, Morris taught Management and Organizational Development (MOD)
and Human Resource Administration.She also counseled MOD
students working on their theses projects. At CSU Fresno via its Extended
Education Department, a community leader offering continuing education units
(CEUs) and personal/professional including courses on the seven habits of
highly effective managers, and a strategic planning course.
Education/Intellectual Property
College graduate, Bachelor's Degree in Political
Science and Public Affairs (Minor in Business Administration), California State
University Hayward, 1979. Graduate Degree Masters in Organizational Behavior,
California School of Professional Psychology, 1994. Worked as adjunct
professor at National University and Fresno Pacific University.
Morris is the author of intellectual property entitled
"The Next Step...Principle-Based Lifestyle Training©."
These professional writings capture the essence of paradigm shifting
encouraging clients, consumers, and the disadvantaged to enjoy
more successful lifestyles. PBLT© fosters change from the
inside of the person by engaging them in exercises geared toward using
principles as the basis of their thinking and doing, thereby changing their
desire to continue risky, unprincipled behaviors.
New lessons are learned and at-risk behaviors reduced
(or eliminated) in exchange for rewards sought... a paradigm shift in the
individual's thinking and knowledge level about their ability to become a
success through change. The PBLT© workbook (toolKit)
consists of 18 action oriented lessons designed to
strategically engage the participant in a game of learning, fueling
a burning, personal desire to overcome the socio-economic challenges
and fears they face.
Robert A. Morris
Founding Senior Pastor of Valley Harvest
Church, Bi-vocational Pastor, employed full-time as the Director, Workforce
Investment Board, Merced County
In June 2012 after 16 years of
employment at the County of Merced, Robert was promoted from Director of Human
Resources to Director of the Merced County Work Force Investment Board (WIB)
which includes oversight and management of the Los Banos WIB & WorkNet
offices. Robert has been involved in reorganizing the department to achieve a
business-driven mission resulting in more job opportunities throughout Merced
Robert celebrated 18 years at the county of Merced on
June 10, 2014. Prior to his work for Merced County he was the owner of RAM
Associates, an executive search, placement and EEO/Diversity consulting firm.
He provided both retained and contingency contract services to state agencies,
federal Department of Defense prime contractors like Martin Marietta
Corporation and Lockheed. His firm also consulted to private companies like
Kaiser Permanente. Prior to this profession Robert was invoved as a mental
health professional and counselor for the state of California. Robert believes
in helping the less fortunate. He is a meticulous negotiator and does not
believe failure is an option.
Robert volunteered to join the Navy in 1969 and served his
country during the Vietnam War until he was honorably discharged, in 1972. He
attended college at California State University at San Jose and Hayward
and recently received his Masters Degree in Christian Counseling and his
Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Sacramento Theological Seminary & Bible
Shirley M. Brown
R.N., Mercy Hospital & Dignity
Health Care Center
Ms. Brown has been a registered nurse for the past 30
years at Mercy Hospital in Merced. Her role is to organize and
co-facilitate a dietary and nutritional quarterly symposium with the
churches in the community, sharing info and ideas for learning how to
coordinate different vegetables, meats, and starches to achieve reduced
calories and still have a great tasting, nutritionally balanced meal. The art
of eating healthy has not been learned by most ethnic communities. Current medical
statistics on increasing death rates of Blacks & other ethnic communities
from chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer
require a re-education on how to enjoy eating and living well. Ms. Brown
has a passion and has been studying diet and nutrition and providing informal
chats throughout the community for years. The mission of this effort would be
collaborative and would customize food values so they could be extrapolated
into recipes for each specific church's primary ethnic or folk community.
Rocky Rice
SaveMart Supermarket Warehouseman. 2011
PBLT Debaunte Ball Committee, Treasurer, Certified PBLT© Facilitator,
Valley Harvest Church- Member of the Deacon Board.
Mr. Rice is a man whose passion is
"kindness to all." He has a very important role on the board. He is a
hard worker and it's important to have hard workers on the Leadership Team. He
is not afraid of hard physical work. He is a "blue collar" intellectual.Many
poor, at-risk young men, have not had an affiliation with anyone that works
hard for their living. Many poor, at-risk young men, have only been confronted
by white collar professionals when they are in trouble. So, when they meet
"Rocky" they feel like they can trust him, and immediately the walls
come down and the PBLT© dialogue
Tisha Turner
Emmanuel Medical Center, Turlock, Ca.
Respiratory Therapist. Co-Chair of 2011 PBLT Debutante Ball, Certified
PBLT© Facilitator.
Mrs. Turner is young at heart, a mother of three, two
adult sons, one high school age daughter, and the wife of a prison corrections
officer. Her role is important on the team because she is a gifted traditional
artist, well able to transmit her meticulous style to others. One of her key
interest is in creating, decorating, and designing beautiful environments. Mrs.
Turner really enjoys the art "training the youth to move up on the
economic ladder", leaving poverty and it's trappings behind by focusing on
PBLT©'s last three leesons, 16,17,&
18 which help at-risk, poor youth develop "socially acceptable
behaviors for dating; etiquette (for formal dining or a variety of dining
occasions); and, creating an aesthetically pleasing home environment (e.g., the
art of bed-making). This is the "finishing school" aspect of PBLT© for acquiring a new way of thinking and being,
and later becoming a success in life, at home, work, or anywhere.
Darryl Davis
UC Merced Police, Law Enforcement. Work
history in Merced County with the Sheriff's Department, PBLT © Certified Facilitator.
Mr. Davis has been a major activist supporting the
Center for HOPe's bi-annual Debutante Ball since 2007. In this role he continues
to raise awareness and promote understandings in the at-risk community for
youth ages 14-25 who need guidance and mentoring. As the 2013 Co-Chair of the
bi-annual Debutante Ball, he is a Certified PBLT© Facilitator, and conducts outreach utilizing the PBLT© curriculum. Mr. Davis' passion is working with
low income communities of color and disadvantaged youth. Some of the Debutante
recruits have been former victims of school failure, gang-life, and rejection.
Officer Davis and his wife Cassie, have embraced there troubled youth and
nurtured them to a state of trust. Upon being embraced by the Davis' these
youngsters begin to go through a catharsis, showing early signs of a
psycho-social healing process.
Iris N. Mojica de Tatum
Certified PBLT© Facilitator, Retired from County of
Merced, Mental Health Department. Merced County Mental Health Board Member, and
Chair of the Merced County On-going Planning Council.
Mrs. de Tatum's role on the Leadorship Team is very important because she is
bi-lingual, from Puerto Rico. She has a professional background in Mental
Health which gives her the ability to paint with a wide brush stroke and fill
in the small details involving both program development and/or grant
implemention. Iris is the key coordinator in administering grants, when
awarded. Before retiring, she was the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)
grant coordinator for the County of Merced. She is passionate about raising
awareness of PBLT© and
solutions to mental health life issues.
Hillary McHenry
UC Merced student
Hillary is a senior at UC
Merced, and will be graduating in December of 2014 with a B.A. in Cognitive
Science and a minor in writing. She will be continuing her education to obtain
an M.A. in speech language pathology and an M.F.A in creative writing. She
has strong skills in English language arts, math, and science. She is excited
to meet and work with the students enrolled in the summer program.
Johnny Hopper
Tech support/ tutor (all
Johnny graduated from
Buhach Colony High School in 2004, and was part of the school's first
graduating class. He has built two computer towers from scratch and
independently learned basic computer tech support skills. He has been with this
program since October 2013. During his time with CFH&R and HPEC, he has
performed various computer tech services and troubleshooting. He also has
strong skills in math, science, and history.
Lily Ketchum
Volunteer parent, Registrar, Librarian, office
Lily Ketchum has been with HPEC for 7 years. Her 13
year old daughter Jaime was the first student to attend the tutoring program.
Her son Johnny serves as the tech support/tutor for the organization. Lily and
her family have lived in Merced for 18 years. Her daughter Jaime was born here
and also attends school in Merced. Lily got started with the program because of
her daughter. Lily likes working with children especially the younger ones,
K-3rd grade.During the 7 years of HPEC© Mrs. K
has contributed in many ways to the organization.
Staff Consultants
Center for HOPe & Restoration
"Center for Human & Organizational Performance Enhancement & Restoration"